Define complete blood count. complete blood count synonyms, complete blood count pronunciation, complete blood count translation, English dictionary definition of complete blood count. n. Abbr. CBC The determination of the quantity of each type of blood
SGPT:24IU/L (normal range 0-40) PSA:0.6ng/ml (normal 0.0 - 4.0) Creatinine:1.0mg/dl (normal 0.5 - 1.5) BUN:19mg/dl (normal range 5 - 26) Creatinine/BUN ratio:19 (normal 8 - 27) Comments On My Blood Work As I stated above, reading a blood test is one thing, interpreting t...
A complete blood count (CBC), looks at the different cells that make up whole blood. A CBC can inform the doctor if the body is making the appropriate number of each type of cell, and it can also reflect signs of a current or recent infection, bleeding, or clotting issues. After surge...
Reference work2004,Encyclopedia of Gastroenterology Andrea D.Branch Explore book Glossary acute infection First 6 months ofhepatitis C virusinfection; patients are typically asymptomatic. Serumalanineaminotransferaselevels often reach 10 times the upper limit of normal; the course may be self-...
THE MOST ATTRACTIVE & INFORMATIVE Medical Application - Its very much clear & simplified Reference Guide for everyone to understand their Blood Test Report in easier way. Blood Test Results: Your Guide to Understanding the Numbers, and so if the next time you have blood work done; you’ll be...
Blood parametersCattleKhillar breedReference valueThe present work was taken up to study the blood profile of some biochemical parameters in Khillar breed of cattle in Karnataka. Blood samples were collected and analyzed for biochemical profile. On comparing the mean values of the different bioce...
Book sample collection at your home and collect the reports online by India 's leading blood test laboratory, Pathkind Lab.
Once your samples have been received, we work thoroughly on that to analyze them and send the test findings to you. Genu Path Labs Offers Great Value For Money We at Genu Path Labs are aware that paying for healthcare services can be challenging and burdensome for many people in general....
Liver Function TestsincludeSGOT, SGPT,GGT, PT INR(prothrombin time) andLactate Dehydrogenasetest. Thyroid Function Tests Thyroid functiontests are a series of blood tests used to measure how well your thyroid gland is working. Now you can get thyroid tests likeTSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone),T4(...
CBC Test Liver Function Test CRP Test HbA1c Test ESR Test Renal Function Test SGOT Test APTT Test Electrolytes Test Lipid Profile Test Widal Test Thyroid Test Trop i Test SGPT Test Uric Acid Test Sugar Test Quadruple Marker Test Amylase Test ...