血汗;艰苦奋斗very hard work; a lot of effort have sbs blood on your hands 对某人的死亡罪责难逃to be responsible for sb's death like getting blood out of/from a stone 水中捞月;缘木求鱼almost impossible to obtain make sbs blood boil ...
Monitor your blood oxygen level and heart rate effortlessly with our app and sync your Apple Watch to get alerts about low levels.* Are you worried about your…
CAKEWALKE– 100k Bloodpoints Dead by Daylight Exam: Completingthis examenters you into a raffle to win 1 million Bloodpoints. OCANADA: Unlocks the Maple Leaf Charm for Canada Day DBDTHEBOARDGAME– 200k Bloodpoints HELLOTHERE– 25k Bloodpoints YOUFOUNDME– 25k Bloodpoints DBDWEBSITE– 25k Blood...
It wasn't till class ended that I realized Mike wasn't sitting in hisusual seat next to me. I felt a twinge ofguilt2. But he and Eric both metme at the door as usual, so I figured I wasn't totally unforgiven. Mikeseemed to become more himself as we walked, gaining enthusiasm as...
It makes me wanna say I'm Burnin' up when you look at me like that Heatin' up when you talk to me like that There's nothing that can cool us down Cool us down cool us down Sweat drippin' down my back oh baby You make me work it ooh Nothin' can cool us down oh ...
there seems little hope of actual life improvement. Yet asking them to stop mining seems equally difficult, so long as cobalt appears a ready source of income. “What do they do then, these children you keep at home, without work?” asks Jean Pierre Muteba, a veteran copper miner who hea...
Those sorts of restrictions are stylistically interesting as a filmmaker but also, it’s a very seductive world to work in because of the allegories. It’s all there for you. 在讨论《疯狂的麦克斯》做成电视节目的会议后,乔治米勒突然有了一个从头到尾都在追逐的构思,在奔跑与逃亡中讲述故事。只...
PART 1 INTRODUCTION The power of blood after clotting or defibrination to constrict blood vessels, as evidenced by its action on perfused organs or on the excised arterial strip, has been frequently observed and to some extent studied as to its nature and origin. The work here presented has...
"I train regularly and still have plenty to offer for a team. My condition should not hold me back," Bosh said. "I'm going to give playing one more shot. That's all it is -- a shot," added Bosh, who turns 34 on March 24. ...
The stumbling block—for me, at least—is that Oshimi’s stories always veer into the uncomfortable terrain of transgressive behavior and power dynamics. His characters exhibit such destructive, sadistic tendencies that his work often leaves me feeling queasy, not least because so many of his prota...