Peer review information Nature thanks Ana Cumano, James Palis and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Peer reviewer reports are available. Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps ...
doi:10.1016/j.htct.2019.05.007Bruna JaquesPatrícia Cavalcanti de Albuquerque SaldanhaAna Carolina Rabello de MoraesHematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy
MRI revealed planum sphenoidale meningioma causing compressive optic neuropathy in one patient, giving it a diagnostic yield of 1.82%.Routine screening blood work (ACE, ANA, CMIA) and MRI brain and orbits for chronic idiopathic unilateral optic neuropathy has low diagnostic yield, especially if ...
Dr Berger reported having patents pending for angle biosensors and biomarkers in infant brain injury outside the submitted work. Dr Press reported receiving grants and personal fees from Marinus Pharmaceuticals outside the submitted work. Dr Hunt reported receiving grants from the American Heart ...
Three nurses gave dates of immunisation that fell outside of their nursing careers; 3 (1.8%) were actively infected with the virus; 2 (1.8%) were infected with HCV; 10 nurses (5.9%) were positive for HIV. CONCLUSION: Nurses at this academic hospital remain at high risk of work-related ...
There was a positive correlation between whole blood viscosity and Hct, Hb, packed-cell volume, and RBC count at both low and high shear, and the strength of correlation was similar in those with or without iron deficiency (Fig. 2).In contrast, MCV was unrelated to whole blood viscosity ...
On the other hand, AE produced slight DBP reduction in men during daily work (Men-AE: DBP= -241?±730 mmHg.540min), and in women only in the laboratory phase (Women-AE: SBP= -108?±65mmHg.60min). CONCLUSION Resistance exercise promotes a significant positive impact on BP in men but...
ana1yzing the outcomes of a robotics workshop on the se1f efficacy fami1iarity and con10t know1edge of participants and examining their designs for end of ... Rapid advances in science and engineering, and pervasive adoption of resulting technological products, are influencing every aspect of ...
We would like to Cynthia Smitherman and Phuong Nguyen at the microarray core at the Baylor Institute for Immunology Research, Dallas, TX for their help with RNA processing and hybridization, and especially to our patients and their families for agreeing to participate in the study. This work was...
More recent work points towards a crucial direct involvement of endothelial cells of the BBB as major mechanism of leptin transport [18]. The knockdown of LepR specifically in endothelial cells of the BBB was functionally linked to impaired transport of leptin into the CSF and LepR positive brain...