Try taking down 10 monsters at Blood Wolf Settlement. From Blood Wolf's Oath to the Ash Halfmoon Kagtunak, this is an important monster zone for those seeking to craft their very own Ornette's Spirit Essence.
aBloodoath Bdo 申请入队 历史荣誉 战队排名- 总比赛0 胜/ 负 / 弃0 / 0 / 0 胜率0.00 弃权率0.00 战队天梯1500 战队介绍 暂无介绍 战队成员 队长 CTX 队员 Falselove^ 队员 凰殇丶 队员 Emmmmm404 队员 蓝bomg 队员 1eon 队员 山涧水 近期天梯变化 战队MVP 暂无MVP统计数据 地图统计...