choriocapillaris, the connections between feeding and draining vessels and the plexus appeared as round openings typically 10–25 μm in diameter15. Each opening was individually classified as arteriolar or venular from the nature of the intermediate choroidal vessel servicing it. Arterioles and venu...
Usually, the piercing organs are enveloped by a soft sheath-like part which is not inserted. The piercing process includes either back and forth movements of the piercing structures, or sideways cutting motions, or the apex of the proboscis bears teeth-like structures which execute drilling ...
OncologyCasley-Smith JR, The fine structure and fine function of the blood exchange vessels. In: Molinatti GM, Bar RS, Belfiore F, Porta M (eds) Endothelial cell function in diabetic microangiopathy: problems in methodology and clinical aspects. Karger, Basel, pp 1–13, 1990...
The cerebral vessels are innervated by an extrinsic system such as nerve fibers that originate in ganglia belonging to sympathetic, parasympathetic, and sensory ganglia, and an intrinsic system that is composed from nerves originating in different parts of brain such as the nucleus basalis, locus ...
When cholesterol and other lipids accumulate in the artery walls, they can obstruct blood flow to the heart and its vessels. This hypothesis was further supported in the 1950s when saturated fats and cholesterol were implicated as major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. In 1984 the National...
A non-neuronal cell in the brain that lacks axons and dendrites. These cells are subdivided into astrocytes (which make contact with neurons and blood vessels), oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells (which form myelin around axons in the central and peripheral nervous system, respectively), ependymal ...
It also impacts the cardiovascular system—the heart and blood vessels—and the musculoskeletal system—bones, ligaments, cartilage, and tendons. So, high or low estradiol levels can affect your health in many ways. [1] » Measure your estradiol levels with a blood analysis ...
Localized hypoxia can result from poor blood flow, the result of obstruction of blood vessels responsible for the territorial distribution of the blood (a condition known as ischemia). Ischemia may result from narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels (e.g., deposition of lipids in the ...
This phenomenon is associated with excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), which demands an increased commitment of the cardiorespiratory system and has more impact on it and develops heart, blood vessels, and lunges function34,35. The present study's main findings are that HIIT ...
half are in the tissues and half are in the blood vessels. Of those in the blood vessels, half are within the mainstream of rapidly circulating blood, and the other half move slowly along the inner walls of the blood vessels (marginal pool), ready to enter tissues on receiving a chemotact...