What causes blood vessels in eyes to burst? The exact cause of subconjunctival hemorrhage iscurrently unknown. However, sudden increases in blood pressure from violent coughing, powerful sneezing, heavy lifting, or even intense laughing may generate enough force to cause a small blood vessel in you...
Define blood test. blood test synonyms, blood test pronunciation, blood test translation, English dictionary definition of blood test. n. 1. An analysis of a sample of blood, especially for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. 2. The process of obtaining
I am interested in blood vessel burst causes. I have had these problems with my eyes for almost a year now. From time to time blood vessels in my eye burst. It is not that much of a problem, but it does irritate a bit, and my eyes look as if I have not slept for days. I as...
My Mom's calves are breaking out in big, patchy red spots. It looks like it's burst or popped blood vessels. could it be purpura or ecchymosis or petechiae??? Reply Guestover a year ago im having a problem similar. i have small red dot, bout the size of a pin head on my ankles...
Blood in the urine Pounding in your chest, neck, or ears Seizures Does a burst blood vessel in your eye (subconjunctival hemorrhage) mean you have high blood pressure? Not necessarily. Most burst vessels are harmless. But if this happens repeatedly, check with your doctor. (Photo Credit: i...
the (amount of) pressure of the blood on the walls of the blood-vessels.The excitement will raise his blood pressure.presión sanguínea,tensión arterial ˈbloodshednoun deaths or shedding of blood.There was much bloodshed in the battle.derramamiento/efusión de sangre ...
The hospital worked to prevent problems commonly found in patients with a burst aneurysm. The problems include brain swelling that can shut down blood vessels. She spent a month in a coma (昏迷)—unable to communicate with doctors, friends and loved ones. But with a year of treatment. she ...
blood vessels blood volume Blood Wedding Blood will tell. Blood Work Blood World blood-bath blood-borne 将“blood vessel"翻译成意大利文 vaso sanguigno, vena, arteria是“blood vessel"到 意大利文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Burst a blood vessel in her eye through crying? ↔ Si è ...
His eyes were so irritated that the blood vessels were very visible. blood work n (blood test) SC 血液化验 xiě yè huà yàn / xuè yè huà yàn TC 血液化驗 SC 验血xiě yè huà yàn / xuè yè huà yàn,yàn xiě / yàn xuè A yearly physical examination typically includes blood ...
This technique reduces the chances of another burst blood vessel. "You don't have to open up the skull(头盖骨) or open up the brain to do surgery. It's all done from inside the blood vessels. So it reduces ...