Neonatal nucleated red blood cell (NRBC) counts in small for gestational age (SGA) fetuses with abnormal umbilical artery (UA) doppler studiesdoi:10.1016/S0002-9378(97)80605-9V.MiniorandP.BernsteinandM.Y.DivonSDOSAmerican Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology...
UA(Uric Acid) Kidney Kidney disease,especially in birds and reptiles BUN(BloodUrea Nitrogen) Kidney Kidney disease,and sometimes other reasons,such as diet liver disease or dehydration can also cause abnormal U/C*(BUN/Crea) Kidney Indication of pancreatic ...
Studies have not assessed if interactions with blood group are present when considering dyslipidaemia, despite both factors leading to abnormal lipid profiles. If current smokers with non-O blood group were found to be at an even higher risk of dyslipidaemia, this could aid in the search for ...
Low levels of progesterone (less than 10 ng/mL) at 6 to 8 weeks signify an abnormal intrauterine pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy. View chapter Chapter Reproductive Hormones Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals (Third Edition) Book1980, Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals (Third Edition...
Diffusion tensor imaging abnormali- ties in the cerebral white matter correlate with sex-dependent neurobe- havioral deficits in adult mice with neonatal ischemia. Dev Neurosci 2016;38:83–95. 17. Chavez-Valdez R, Martin LJ, Razdan S, Gauda EB, Northington FJ. Sexual dimorphism ...
network (SMN), and the hippocampus is part of the limbic system, patients with MHD-RLS have reduced CBF in the sensorimotor network, indicating sensory-motor symptoms with abnormal regulation and a strong desire to move both lower extremities as a result of abnormal limbic system regulation [15...
However, significant differences of both renal genes (ABCG2 and SCL17A1) between HNS + AO and ND mice suggested the abnormal urate excretion in kidney. Obviously, allopurinol treatment might have an impact on the renal function involved with urate excretion, although the significant decrease ...
It was supported by CD31 immunoreactivity pattern that morphology of abnormal vessels after I/R injury were normalized by Sac-1004 treatment. Normalization with Sac-1004 is likely to result in the reduction of infarct size and brain edema after I/R injury. Besides, our Zhang et al. Journal ...
Table 1. Some loci associated with abnormal regulation of blood pressure or hypertension determined by large-scale GWAS EthnicityPhenotypesLocusP ValueNearest Gene Asian SBP 12–88,584,717 9.1 × 10 − 7 ATPB1 Asian DBP 12–88,584,719 1.2 × 10 − 6 Americans SBP 2–190,446,083 2.1...
Recently, a POC medical system based on a smartphone was developed that could detecturic acid(UA) levels in whole blood (Li et al., 2020). The reaction occurred on a disposable lateral flow pad (LFD). The authors combined Prussian blue withmesoporous silicaNPs asperoxidasemimics to catalyze ...