Heart failure is a common problem in primary care but there is no simple, reliable method for its diagnosis. Measurement of plasma concentrations of natriuretic peptides, such as the B type, may be of value, but previous studies of diagnostic utility have focused mainly on young patients, ...
Based on yourphysical examas well as your medical and sexual history, your doctor may want to order certain blood orurinetests. They’ll use these to check for problems that can lead to ED, such as: Diabetes Heart disease Kidney disease ...
But the high-sensitivity blood tests, says Frederick Korley, M.D., Ph.D., can measure very low quantities of troponin and can therefore tell doctors whether a patient is having a heart attack or not shortly after symptoms begin. Existing tests are less accurate in the initial hours after a...
Prevencio's purpose is to provide more accurate blood tests for Heart Disease conditions. Learn more about our seven life-saving blood tests now available.
used as a tumor marker for ovarian cancer. A protein found on the surface of many ovarian cancer cells, blood tests to measure levels of this antigen are used to aid in diagnosing ovarian cancer, monitoring the progress of ovarian cancer treatments and detecting a recurrence of the disease. ...
Triglycerides:A type of fat in the blood, higher levels of which increase the risk of heart disease Total cholesterol:A measurement of LDL, HDL, and triglycerides combined Other cardiac blood tests that may be ordered include:4 Lipoprotein A(Lp A):High levels of Lp A increase your risk of...
Tests for triglycerides, a fat found in the blood. Irregularities are a possible risk factor for heart disease and other medical conditions. HDL cholesterol test HDL cholesterol, also known as high-density lipoprotein (orgoodcholesterol), is useful in protecting against heart disease. Low levels ca...
c) Tumour marker tests This checks for chemicals (called tumour markers) that are produced by some cancers. However, as higher levels of tumour markers can sometimes be caused by non-cancerous conditions, this test is not a foolproof method in diagnosing cance...
These tests typically require fasting: A lipid profile checks the level of cholesterol and other blood fats, such as triglycerides. High levels put you at a risk of heart disease or having a stroke. Not all situations require fasting. You may not need to fast if you're younger than 25 ye...
blood tests to check kidney function and potassium level an electrocardiogram (EKG) to look for thickening of the heart muscle irregular heart rhythms a chest-ray to look for enlargement of the heart fluid buildup in the lungs due to heart failure....