People over age 60 may have an apparently normal creatinine blood level but still have a low GFR. The opposite can also be true, where the person may have a mildly low GFR without having kidney disease. The 24-hour urine collection method or another blood test called cystatin C can more ...
The prognosis for high or low creatinine blood test levels depends on the cause. Low creatinine is often found in people who have lost muscle mass or who have low muscle mass. While the low levels themselves will not cause medical problems, the underlying condition, such as malnutrition or ch...
Creatinine test Creatinine is a chemical waste molecule that is important for creating muscle energy. Increased levels of creatinine can be a sign of kidney dysfunction. Fasting blood sugar test Blood sugar levels are easily affected by recent food or drink intake. The fasting blood sugar test is...
Because most Blood test reference ranges (often referred to as 'normal' ranges of Blood test results) are typically defined as the range of values of the median 95% of the healthy population, it is unlikely that a given Blood sample, even from a healthy patient, will show "normal" values...
Creatinine:1.0mg/dl (normal 0.5 - 1.5) BUN:19mg/dl (normal range 5 - 26) Creatinine/BUN ratio:19 (normal 8 - 27) Comments On My Blood Work As I stated above, reading a blood test is one thing, interpreting the results is another. For example, the reader will note my total choles...
Creatinine Carbon dioxide (CO2) Serum chloride Serum sodium Serum potassium Chem 7 Panel: Blood Chemistry Test CBC A complete blood count (CBC), looks at the different cells that make up whole blood. A CBC can inform the doctor if the body is making the appropriate number of each type of...
(without centrifugation) to reveal these pigments which cannot be satisfactorily distinguished by eye or by simple tests. Blood urea or serum creatinine and potassium concentrations should be measured in patients who become oliguric, especially in patients bitten by species whose venoms commonly cause...
In this research, economic and social status, nutrition habits and medical biochemistry test results of the preeclamptic and healthy pregnant women were compared. A total 155 healthy pregnant women in the second trimester and 92 preeclamptic pregnant women were given a questionnaire containing ...
1 and 2 Gy. The radiation exposures were delivered in asingle doseat thelow doserate of 0.5 Gy/hour or the high dose rate of 0.5 Gy/minute. The results demonstrated a dose dependent decrease in white blood cell (WBC) counts in mice exposed to high and low dose rate proton andγ-radia...
A low-protein diet A BUN test by itself can't diagnose these issues, so more tests may be needed. Kidney Function Tests If your BUN levels are high, your doctor may order more tests to measure your kidney function. Creatinine test