Test result was 97.1 cu micr. I have made an appointment … Should I Be Worried About a High Hematocrit I just received my blood test results and it shows Hematocrit to be high, 50.1%. MCV high, 103.1fl. MCHC low, 29.3 g/dL. RDW high, 15.3%. My doctor never … My doctor saw ...
About the Test Purpose of the test The purpose of the MCV test is to measure the average size of your RBC and check for signs of medical conditions such as anemia, a common blood disorder in which your body cannot carry and distribute a necessary amount of oxygen to organs and tissues. ...
Platelets are small cells that help the blood to clot. This test measures the amount of platelets present in the blood. If testing highlights a high count, this can indicate anemia, cancer or infection, while a low count can prevent wounds from healing and result in severe bleeding. Mean pl...
Test Mechanism: This is a calculated value rom the values o the red cell count and the Mean Corpuscular Volume. HCT = RBC x MCV HGB Name: Hemoglobin Normal Range: 14-18 g/100 ml. WM Abnormality: Lowered hemoglobin. Test Purpose: Hemoglobin is the pigment in red blood cells that contains...
MCV MCH MCHC RDW-SD RDW-CV PLT MPV PDW PCT P-LCR WBC Histogram RBC Histogram PLT Histogram The Picture of MY-B003 Mayamed Medical equipment Lab automatic blood test machine Auto Hematology Analyzer Our Services 1.For all your inquires about us...
MCV fl – – – 100 68.94 (±6.45) 58.5–83.59 1 72.14 – 51 65.0 (±3.4) 56–75 10 97.75 (±14.35) – MCH Pg 50 25.24 (±1.97) 20.1–28.9 100 23.38 (±2.69) 18.36–31.61 1 26.78 – 49 20.99 (±1.85) 17.3–29.5 10 24.13 (±3.43) – MCHC g/l 50 34.46 (±1.17) 31.3–...
平均红细胞容积(MCV):平均每个红细胞的体积。 Hct(L/L) MCV(fl)= RBCcount(×1012/L) 参考值:80-100fl 平均红细胞血红蛋白量(MCH):平均每个红细胞所含的血红蛋白量。 Hb(g/L) MCH(pg)= RBCcount(×1012/L) 参考值:26-32 pg 平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCHC):平均每升红细胞中所含血红蛋白浓度。
MCV≤0.4% 40-150fL PLT≤4.0% 0-999x109/L Display: 8.4"LCD,resolution:640x480 Reference Value: Baby,Kid,Woman,Man,Normal and Customization Interface: 2xUSB, 1xparallel(for external printer), 1xVGA(for external monitor) 2xPS/2,2xRS-232(for network) FAQ: How to ...
PCV (RBC) No M-42-52 F-37-47 % MCV (Mean corpucells volume) No 78-94 Fl. Cu Type of anemia MCH No 27-32 MCHC No 32-38 Gms/dl % WBV (Leucocytes) No 4000-11000 Per c. mm If less-susceptibility to infection If very high in Lacs- Leukemia Differential WBC count No % N...
Thalassemia screening tests include one tube (0.36% NaCl) osmotic fragility test (OFT), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH). Reliability of these parameters in stored EDTA blood is the important issue to be concerned. To address this...