the availability of these two strains permits investigations not therefore possible.they provide a plausible laboratory model on which to investigate some clinical aspects of the human developing methods by which genetic susceptibility(敏感性)of human beings to high blood pressure can be defined without...
Furthermore, using two complementary agglutination test assays and flow cytometry-based techniques, we demonstrate the ability of FucOB to convert O-type blood into rare Bombay-type blood. We propose that FucOB could be used as a biotechnological and therapeutic tool to facilitate blood transfusion...
Furthermore, using two complementary agglutination test assays and flow cytometry-based techniques, we demonstrate the ability of FucOB to convert O-type blood into rare Bombay-type blood. We propose that FucOB could be used as a biotechnological and therapeutic tool to facilitate blood transfusion...
While Theranos was performing venous and finger-stick blood testing at Walgreens, Holmes said under oath that a venous draw's test did not indicate the type of device that Theranos was using. "We did also sometimes put the venous draw onto our proprietary platforms, depending on what the test...
While we recognize that a blood test is not necessary to diagnose IPF patients from healthy volunteers, our work suggests that this methodology could be employed to help diagnose IPF from other forms of chronic lung disease. This will require further validation with larger numbers of patients, ...
In order to determine whether a person has diabetes, two tests are usually performed: impaired fasting glycemia (IFG), also known as a prediabetes test where the glucose level is measured after 8h of fasting, and theIGT test, 2h after ingesting a known concentration of glucose. The guideline...
The associations of the filtered SNPs with serum lipid levels were evaluated using a mixed model based on the score test approach [23]. The model included a random polygenic effect for which the variance-covariance matrix was proportional to genome-wide identity-by-state. The model equation is:...
Assuming that efficient in vitro large-scale cultured RBC production will be possible in the near future, the banking of iPSC clones may be a key strategy for providing iPSC-derived RBCs. Based on this approach, our laboratory has started to build a registry of iPSC clones from many O D-po...
Whole blood for laboratory assessments was collected at screening, Day 1 (±3 days) of each treatment cycle and discontinuation. The incidence and severity of adverse events were assessed using the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v.4.0 at each patient contact...
(CAG promoter driving flp recombinase) transgene20 (gift of Dr. Shigeyoshi Itohara, RIKEN Institute, Saitama, Japan) for recombination of frt sites, and VE-cadherin:tetracycline-regulated transactivator (tTA)/C57Bl/6,21 and tet-O-cre/C57Bl/6 mice (The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME) ...