LOLIPOP. The LOLIPOP study is supported by the NIHR Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, the British Heart Foundation (SP/04/002), the Medical Research Council, UK (G0601966 and G0700931), the Wellcome Trust (084723/Z/08/Z), the NIHR (RP-PG-0407...
The anti Xa test is not affected by variables interfer- ing with the ACT test. However, this assay may not be readily available with a fast enough turnaround time in all institutions. Anaesthetic considerations Pre-operative anaemia is common in cardiac surgery with a prevalence of between 10 ...
Methylation of CpGs near known PAH genes For 16 established genes underlying heritable PAH and catalogued by Southgate et al.19, we checked the methylation profile of PAH individuals versus controls to define a CpG marker (cg10976975) within the 5’ untranslated region ofBMP10showing elevated meth...
Six cognitive phenotypes were assessed in this study: logical memory, digit symbol test score, verbal fluency, vocabulary, general cognitive ability, and general fluid cognitive ability. The logical memory phenotype (verbal declarative memory) was calculated from the Wechsler Logical Memory test, taking...
For comparisons (between survivors and non-survivors with invasive pneumococcal disease, and healthy afebrile controls), the Mann Whitney test was used to compare two groups and Kruskal Wallis to compare three groups. Values of p < 0.005 were considered statistically significant. SPSS statistical soft...
In order to test whether the fluorescence fringes that we observed were caused by standing-wave excitation formed by the interaction of the excitation light with the mirror, and not by a Fabry-Perot cavity effect, where the silica-air interface on one side and the mirror on the other formed...
别伤害我求你了别伤害我 Don'thurtme.Please,justdon'thurtme. -没事的-没人会伤害你的亨利 -It'sOK.-No-one'sgoingtohurtyou,Henry. 好吗 Allright? 你...待着别动 Youjust...staythere. 你在这里干什么 Whatareyoudoinghere? 我来找他 Icamelookingforhim. 为什么 Why? 这我不能告诉你 Ican't...
atSH2B3) and East Asians (near rs671 atALDH2), had been identified19. We found that both of the signals were responsible for the discordant direction of allelic effects on 12q24 (Fig.1cand Supplementary Fig.5a, b). Similarly, we observed two independent association signals near theC10...
P-values, Student's t-test (n ¼ 4 mice per group). NS, not statistically significant. (d) Maximum intensity projection of perivenous blood vessels in the P6 central retina stained with isolectin B4 (green) and, for the visualization of vessel lumens, anti-ICAM2 antibody (blue). Note...
and G + E DeepSEA variants in GWAS for attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder (p = 9.54 × 10−36, OR = 1.23, Fisher-test) and inflammatory bowel disease (p = 1.85 × 10−52, OR = 1.30, Fisher-test). While SNPs with strong main meQTL effects ...