The enzymes in circulation either can be plasma-specific, meaning that they are present in plasma to perform a normal function (e.g., thrombin and plasmin), or nonplasma-specific, meaning that their concentrations are low or undetectable in plasma under normal conditions, but undergo elevations ...
has been made toward the goal of establishing a molecular diagnostic test for Alzheimer's disease (AD), as researchers from Saarland University (Saarbriicken, Germany) and Siemens Healthcare (Erlangen, Germany) have recently published results of the blood-based biomarker test they are developing. ...
Median (IQR) NT-pro-BNP levels among 217 cases was 25.5 (11.6-44.3) ng/mL and for IL-1 RL1 available levels in 215 cases showed a median (IQR) 13.4 (7.4-21.2) ng/mL. Correlation was r = 0.83 (P < .001) and test agreement showed a mean (SD) bias of 2.31 (0.40) ...
The Chi-square test was used to compare the distribution of blood groups to that of the general population [1,19,20]. Patient and disease characteristics were compared between patients of O and non-O groups using the Chi-square test (or Fisher’s exact test if theoretical size <5) for ...