Blood sugar can skyrocket, especially in people who have prediabetes or diabetes. You may feel a sugar high, or burst of energy, within minutes to an hour of eating. Then...the crash. "The higher they fly, the harder they fall," is spot-on for blood sugar. If it went up, up, ...
Standing was better than heading straight for the desk or the couch to sit when it came to blood sugar levels, but it didn’t help lower insulin in the bloodstream, the analysis found. However, if people went for a short walk after eating, their blood sugar levels rose and fell more gr...
Dozens of solutions for how to lower blood sugar when fasting or at lunch, supper, bedtime. Or even high sugars after meals. These are specific strategies that diabetes educators suggest to help you use food, exercise and even sleep to fix specific problem blood sugars. Reasons to explain dia...
can keep your blood sugar from spiking. More blood gets sent to your muscles instead of your stomach. That means you take in sugars better. Instead of turning on the TV after you eat, clear the kitchen table and wash the dishes or take a walk around the block. ...
Feeling dizzy or shaky can be a sign of low blood sugar orhypoglycemia. Because yourbrainneeds glucose to function, a drop in blood sugar can be dangerous -- even life-threatening -- if you don't address it. A glass of fruit juice can bring up your blood sugar in the short term. Bu...
What units are used for measuring blood sugar levels? Doctors measure blood sugar differently depending on where you live: In the U.S., your blood sugar reading mostly shows as milligrams of glucose in 1/10th of a liter of blood, also known as milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). ...
From checking blood sugar to dosing insulin and controlling portions, there’s a lot that goes into keeping oneself healthy. While there are many aspects of disease management to consider, a common concern with diabetes is blood glucose control. Often with diabetes, especially after eating a ...
I’m procrastinating as usual– the question of the hour being how has Facebook changed lives–and of course I’m thinking of all the wasted hours–but then again, there was this article about death doulas-–women who stay with people during the end of their lives. That might come in ...
With calorie counting now considered out-of-date, Hannah Coates uncovers the new health metric that feeds body, mind, and soul. Understanding your blood sugar can help you now and in the long run.
Measures blood glucose of a person who has fasted at least 8h, and 2h after the person drinks a glucose-containing beverage [64]. Thistest can be used to diagnose diabetes, prediabetes andgestational diabetes. 1.6.3Random plasma glucose test or random sugar ...