Whilepatientswith migraines often experience symptoms such as pain around the eye, sensitivity to light, blind spots and visual blurring, the mechanisms behind those symptoms have not been well understood. UCLA Health researchers used a non-invasive imaging technique, known as optical coherence tomograp...
The central retinal artery is an end-artery that joins the optic nerve 1cm behind the globe and enters the retina on the optic nerve head. It is structured like all arteries in the body with retinal arterioles arising from the central retinal artery. The retinal capillaries supply the inner t...
The ability of the eye to change power and bring near objects into focus on the retina is called accommodation. It is accomplished by increasing the power of the lens. Contraction of the longitudinal fibers of the ciliary muscle pulls the choroid forward, and contraction of the circular fibers...
External hemorrhoids develop under the skin surrounding the anus; they may cause pain and bleeding when the vein in the hemorrhoid forms a clot. This is known as a thrombosed hemorrhoid. In addition, the piece of skin, known as a skin tag, that is left behind when a thrombosed hemorrhoid ...