Wire in the Blood, is first of all a showcase for the excellent acting skills of the charismatic Robson Green. For a mystery/suspense,thriller this show easily surpasses virtually all shows in the genre. The shows all involve murder and this is the focus of the plots. The plots, moreover...
Hero is utterly entrancing, if clearly the product of extensive digital postproduction, and though the overlapping perspectives of rival assassins maneuvering against an all-powerful monarch precludes any genuine emotional through line, the film certainly delivers an eye-popping showcase for China’s ...
This was a perfect movie to showcase the talent of the very underrated Michael Jai White. Great fight scenes throughout that are really shot well. None of that shaky camera stuff where you can't tell what is going on. I just happened to watch this movie after watching the movie "...
10. “Under the Bridge” Watch Red Hot Chili Peppers' 'Soul to Squeeze' Video Allison Rapp:There's no denying the sheer punk-funk powerBlood Sugar Sex Magikdelivers. It's a completely apt title for such a record. Chock full of thick bass lines and downright carnal lyrics, it's pretty ...
High points are everywhere, but be sure to check out "Dog Faced Boy," the Mikkey Dee showcase "Make 'Em Blind" and the anthemic closer "Out of the Sun." 'Outside' Arista 'Outside' David Bowie (1995): There's a convoluted, darkly dystopian, end-of-the-millennium theme here, but...
High points are everywhere, but be sure to check out "Dog Faced Boy," the Mikkey Dee showcase "Make 'Em Blind" and the anthemic closer "Out of the Sun." 'Outside' Arista 'Outside' David Bowie (1995): There's a convoluted, darkly dystopian, end-of-the-millennium theme here, but...
Hero is utterly entrancing, if clearly the product of extensive digital postproduction, and though the overlapping perspectives of rival assassins maneuvering against an all-powerful monarch precludes any genuine emotional through line, the film certainly delivers an eye-popping showcase for China’s ...