The Hebrew scriptures known to Christians as the Old Testament teach that a creature's life force is contained in its blood (Leviticus 17:11). This belief turned blood into both a powerful symbol and a source of potential physical and spiritual contamination. The association of blood with ...
The Hebrew scriptures known to Christians as the Old Testament teach that a creature's life force is contained in its blood (Leviticus 17:11). This belief turned blood into both a powerful symbol and a source of potential physical and spiritual contamination. The association of blood with viole...
This form of offensive prayer can not only be used to get God’s protection on you before any type of adversity ever strikes you, but it can also be used for physical, emotional, and mental healings, for battling demons, and for battling any kind of storm cloud that may have just come...
I know from personal experience the need to justify one's doctrine and practice by Scripture, even when the Scriptures don't quite fit. Looking back, I can see places where I've been guilty of that. But to me, the arguments for a figurative interpretation of the Words of Institution are...
“For the past three years you have feasted on me, you have devoured my teaching, dined on my Word, basked in the glow in my intimacy with my Father, drunk too much wine at that wedding feast, and been nourished by the power of healing. ...
The Hebrew scriptures known to Christians as the Old Testament teach that a creature's life force is contained in its blood (Leviticus 17:11). This belief turned blood into both a powerful symbol and a source of potential physical and spiritual contamination. The association of blood with viole...