To help curb obesity and obesity-related diseases, nutrition and culinary specialists should familiarize themselves with ways to reduce fat in recipes and meals. Another type of lipid, dietary cholesterol, also affects circulating lipids in the bloodstream and has significant effects on health and ...
Our leadership has advanced transformative therapies for hematologic malignancies, and we are committed to continuing to lead in the evolution of our understanding and treatment of these diseases. MULTIPLE MYELOMA Until recently, treatment of multiple myeloma, the second most common blood cancer, had ...
Cord blood has so far only provided a potential treatment for a limited number of diseases. The chances that the baby will acquire one of these diseases are small. Also, the disease may be genetic so the cord blood would carry the same (defective) genes, and in the case of leukemia the...
People with shorter protective caps at the end of their chromosomes (called telomeres) may be more likely to develop age-related brain diseases such as stroke, dementia and late-life depression (usually diagnosed at age 60 ... Jan 30, 2025 ...
3Bizzetto R, Bonfim C, Rocha V, et al. Outcomes after related and unrelated umbilical cord blood transplantation for hereditary bone marrow failure syndromes other than Fanconi anemia.Haematologica. 2011; 96(1):134-141. 4Picard C, J-L Casanova, Puel A, Infectious diseases in patients with ...
21 Several collagen-related DMPs were nodes in the protein-network analyses. MGAT4D is involved in the biosynthesis of n-glycan, a biomarker of cardiometabolic risk,22 and SNPs have been shown to be associated with blood pressure.23 ASIC1 is involved in calcium activation in vascular smooth...
RS: The Rotterdam Study is supported by the Erasmus Medical Center and Erasmus University Rotterdam; the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research; the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw); the Research Institute for Diseases in the Elderly (RIDE); The Netherlands...
specific and well-defined diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes, cancer [4,9], but with some inter-country differences, for example Korean practitioners of TEAM describe traumatic injuries and menstrual problems as the two most commonly conceived and seen BSS related conditions [...
Plasma levels of homocysteine seem to be directly related to Aβ42 levels. Hyperhomocysteinaemia reduces neurogenesis through a mechanism involving the fibroblast growth factor. Moderately high levels of homocysteine are a risk factor for vascular dementia and AD; a significant increase in plasma homoc...
Notes: Make sure your Galaxy Watch has been updated to the latest software version. The information gathered from your watch, the Samsung Health Monitor app, or related software is not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent diseases or other conditions. The ECG feature is not ...