Only when other organs are put under stress because of exposure to elevated blood pressure, either suddenly or chronically, may symptoms arise. High blood pressure is known as the “silent killer” because the damage that is caused to many organs in the body occurs slowly and without the ...
Elevated: 120/80 to 129/79 mm Hg Stage 1 hypertension: 130/80 to 139/89 mm Hg Stage 2 hypertension: 140/90 mm Hg and above.Although high blood pressure can cause symptoms such as headache and pounding heartbeat, it often causes no symptoms at all.So...
Illegal drugs.Cocaine and amphetamines can raise blood pressure. Pregnancy Sometimes, hypertension suddenly appears or gets worse during pregnancy. When hypertension develops after 20 weeks of pregnancy, it is calledpreeclampsia. It is important to keep an eye on your blood pressure because it can ha...
Bloodpumping through the circulatory system is under pressure, much like the water in the pipes of a house. And just as too much water pressure can damage pipes and faucets, elevated blood pressure can spell trouble for your body. How common is high blood pressure? High blood pressure is a...
That’s because blood pressure varies throughout the day, and some people may be anxious before or during a doctor visit, causing elevated blood pressure. If your blood pressure is consistently 130/80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) or higher, you will most likely be diagnosed with high blood ...
During the past few years we have acquired information indicating that sustained reduction of elevated blood pressure can reduce the risks of these vascular complications. Suddenly, we are faced with an extraordinary challenge to our health-care system. What are the dimensions and characteristics of ...
stop them suddenly because this may causelowblood pressureandchangesin bloodchemistry (adrenocortical suppression). 服用高剂量皮质类固醇激素超过一周的患者不 应突然停药,因为这会导致低血压和血液化学组份的变化(是由于肾上腺皮质受抑制)。
just like the sail of a boat as it snaps when it suddenly tenses after tacking in the wind or like a handkerchief as it snaps when its ends are suddenly drawn taut.22–26Once cuff pressure falls below the diastolic blood pressure, the sound disappears because the vessel wall no longer col...
Bloodpumping through the circulatory system is under pressure, much like the water in the pipes of a house. And just as too much water pressure can damage pipes and faucets, elevated blood pressure can spell trouble for your body. How common is high blood pressure?
Over time, the high pressure can cause other health problems. Blood pumping through the circulatory system is under pressure, much like the water in the pipes of a house. And just as too much water pressure can damage pipes and faucets, elevated blood pressure can spell trouble for your ...