25% of high blood pressure readings are falsely elevated leading to diagnostic error or over-treatment. Learn how to eliminate this potential health problem.
Alderman, Michael H., "Measures and Meanings of Blood Pressure", The Lancet, Jan 15, 2000Alderman MH. Measures and meaning of blood pressure. Lancet 2000; 355: 159.Alderman MH. Measures and meaning of blood pressure. Lancet 2000;355:159....
It is important to stress that unfortunately we have different meanings of the term "blood pressure variability" related to completely disparate underlying mechanisms: 24-hour circadian blood pressure variability, with its fall over night by 10-15 %, is related to physical activity, emotional...
BloodPressureMonitor. PleasethoroughlyreadthisInstructionManual beforeusingthismonitortoensuresafeand accurateuse. Pleasekeepthismanualnearthemonitorall thetimeforfuturereference. INSTRUCTIONMANUAL HEM-907-Z2_E_M03_090828.pdf HEM-907-Z2_E_M.qxd09.8.2811:45AMPage1 ...
August 2017; Accepted: 9 September 2017; Published: 26 September 2017 Abstract: Through the centuries, scholars and readers have looked through a variety of lenses to discover what might be revealed by the story of Tsipporah's circumcision of her son in Exodus 4, and to assign meanings to ...