BLOOD PRESSURE DEVICE FOR HOME-READINGS. By - Poul Ebbe Nielsen, Allan Andersendoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(81)90851-5Ebbe Nielsen, PoulAndersen, AllanElsevier Ltd.LancetNielsen PE, Andersen A. Blood pressure device for home-readings. Lancet 2:416, 1981....
blood pressure (BP) measurement.1 Self-measurement of BP at home seems to offer specific advantages over conventional clinic measurement, as it allows for the identification of patients with white-coat, masked and sustained hypertension, with readings taken under standardized conditions, little ...
Update on the 1987 Task Force Report on High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents: A Working Group Report from the National High Blood Pressure Educa... Background. The ''Report of the Second Task Force on Blood Pressure Control in Children-1987'' developed normative blood pressure (BP...
Anger, Stress, Coping, and Blood Pressure in Elementary School Teachers Eight had diastolic blood pressure readings (DBP) of 90 or greater, and 12 (14.4%) had prehypertensive DBP of 80-89. Higher than norms home use of anger expression-out, anger expression-in, anger expression index and ...
How do home and clinic blood pressure readings compare in pregnancy? Hypertension. 2018;72(3):686-694. doi:10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.118.10917PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref Self-monitoring of Blood Pressure and Hypertension Diagnosis During Higher-Risk Pregnancy JAMA Original Investigation May 3, 2022...
"But it really matters how you take the blood pressure, it’s really kind of a critical part of the story." Blood pressure readings are a common and vital part of most medical visits. People with high blood pressure are at a higher risk for heart disease and stroke. These readings ...
Initially Absent Possible Absent or weak Ameliorates Improves Improves Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Improves Improves Uncertain Improves Improves Not adapted None Not adapted None Adapted Possible Abbreviations: ABP, ambulatory blood pressure; CBP,clinic blood pressure; HBP, home blood pressure. Use...
The discrepancy among 3 blood pressure readings Author links open overlay panelHAI SU, QIANG PENG, XIAOSHU CHENGShow more Add to Mendeley Share Cite rights and contentAccess through your organization...
Your physician may consider the average of your readings when evaluating your blood pressure log. Who should take their blood pressure at home? The best thing to do is see your primary care physician regularly to make sure blood pressure issues aren't missed and ask if you should be ...
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