血压药的种类(Types of blood pressure drugs).doc,血压药的种类(Types of blood pressure drugs) Sustained-release dosage form drug This kind of medicine has been improved on the dosage form to make the short acting medicine play a long-term effect, so as
bloodpressuredrugs血压typesantihypertensive 血压药的种类(Typesofbloodpressuredrugs)Sustained-releasedosageformdrugThiskindofmedicinehasbeenimprovedonthedosageformtomaketheshortactingmedicineplayalong-termeffect,soastoachievethegoalofkeepingsteadyanddecreasingbloodpressure.Thesedrugsdonotcheworcrushedaftertaking,otherwiseit...
血压药的种类(Types of blood pressure drugs) Sustained-release dosage form drug This kind of medicine has been improved on the dosage form to make the short acting medicine play a long-term effect, so as to achieve the goal of keeping steady and decreasing blood pressure. These drugs do not...
Adequate controlled blood pressure decreases the risk of cardiovascular events. However, the elderly are more vulnerable and thereby more prone to side effects of antihypertensive drugs. A lack of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic...
He took losartan potassium 50 mg, hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg, cilnidipine 10 mg, and nifedipine CR 40 mg in the morning. Home blood pressure monitoring was performed by using a cuff oscillometric device that could be set to measure blood pressure automatically during sleep. The patient was ...
while the remaining four hypertensive groups were treated with a propolis, royal jelly, and bee venom combination (PRV) at daily oral doses of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg/kg, and with losartan 10 mg/kg. The PRV combination at all doses decreased arterial blood pressure below the suboptimal value...
Hypertension is the most prevalent cause of cardiovascular disease and kidney failure, but only about 50% of patients achieve adequate blood pressure control, in part, due to inter-individual genetic variations in the response to antihypertensive medication. Significant strides have been made toward the...
Hirose H,Kawabe H,Saito I.Effects of losartan/hydrochlorothiazidetreatment, after change from ARB at usual dosage, on blood pressure andvarious metabolic parameters including high-molecular weight adiponectin inJapanese male hypertensive subjects.Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. 2011...