Home blood pressure monitoring in the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension: a systematic review. Am J Hypertens 2011; 24: 123–134. 39 Vetter W, Hess L, Brignoli R. Influence of self-measurement of blood pressure on the responder rate in hypertensive patients treated with losartan: results...
Blood Pressure (HOMED-BP) study.172 In this study, devices are preset to work automatically at 0200 h, as the nadir of nocturnal BP was observed at around 0200 h in the Ohasama study population.174 Using this device, set to work once at 0200 h, the subject can recall after waking ...
The pressure sensors incorporated into recent devices for self-BP measurements are semiconductor sensors. The linearity, durability and accuracy of these sensors are superior to those of the strain sensors used previously. Strain sensors required validation with standard mercury column manometers, but thi...
Just when it appeared the FDA was close to purging the U.S. drug supply of potential cancer-causing impurities in sartan blood pressure drugs, another massive recall has been launched. This time it is for an entirely new contaminant. The FDA on Fridayannouncedthat India’s Het...