HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE- The most common risk factor for heart and kidney diseases and stroke.High Blood pressure, or hypertension, is defined in an adult as a systolic pressure (top number) of 140 mm Hg or higher and/or a diastolic pressure (bottom number) of 90 mm Hg or higher. Blood pr...
We integrated the guideline steps into the electronic medical record (EMR) and analyzed outcome measures. The outcome measures were: (1) BP recorded in the chart, (2) screening done by simplified BP table by clinic staff, (3) repeat manual BP by the provider, (4) BP classification, (5...
Inguideline-compliant home measurements, you are supported by BloodPressureDB. An initial assessment of the values is made directly. The BloodPressureDB app reminds you to measure and shows you how to do it correctly. Over time, this creates ameaningful blood pressure curvethat can be evaluated...
[A prospective study of relationship between blood pressure and 10-year cardiovascular risk in a Chinese cohort aged 35-64 years]. OBJECTIVE: To provide epidemiological data for the revision of The National Guideline for Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension through the analysis of ......
Data were collected using an interviewer-administered, semi-structured questionnaire and chart review. The Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8) criteria was applied to define blood pressure control status. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to model the association between dependent and ...
DISCUSSION: In this study, a chart reminder failed to improve physician compliance with the clinical guideline for hypertension management in diabetics, Sixth Report of the Joint National Committee on the Detection, Evaluation, Prevention and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. To inform the design of...
This systematic review and meta-analysis assesses the association of treatment to lower blood pressure with death and cardiovascular disease at different
2019 Chinese guideline for the management of hypertension in the elderly. J Geriatr Cardiol. 2019;16(2):67-99.PubMedGoogle Scholar 11. Zhang W, Zhang S, Deng Y, et al; STEP Study Group. Trial of Intensive Blood-Pressure Control in Older Patients With Hypertension. ...
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - The most common risk factor for heart and kidney diseases and stroke. High Blood pressure, or hypertension, is defined in an adult as a systolic pressure (top number) of 140 mm Hg or higher and/or a diastolic pressure (bottom number) of 90 mm Hg or higher. ...
The incidence of gestational hypertension (GH) and pre-eclampsia (PE) is increasing. Use of blood pressure (BP) change patterns may improve early detection of BP abnormalities. We used Linear spline random-effects models to estimate BP patterns across pr