(2) variables related to transport, storage and processing of blood samples (transport, centrifugation and haemolysis, storage before and after centrifugation, use of serum versus plasma), (3) variables related to dilution (haemodilution, pooling of samples), and (4) test dependent variables (...
The authors would like to thank the Research and Development (R&D) Program (Research Pooling Initiative), Ministry of Education, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for funding and supporting this research. We also acknowledge that the brain image in Figure 3 is a modified version of “Brain Outline Lateral,”...
and changes in its concentration during the course of infection and from individual to individual. These are important questions to address before accepting PrPTSEas a reliable biomarker suitable to develop into useful antemortem diagnostic assays for human TSEs. Studying PrPTSEin blood poses challenges...