4. An entity possessing life-like qualities.A skilled writer can take wooden characters and turn them into flesh and blood.I'm sorry, but these characters don't feel like flesh and blood to me. I just can't see real people acting they way they do.Wow, how did you manage to write ...
这集没有死人! 这应该是《权力的游戏》开播以来第一次吧。 欢迎大家在评论区中一起回忆,反正我印象中之前每一集都有死人。 想说被Benjen Stark烧死的尸鬼的应该算人的,就算了吧。 这毕竟涉及到“丧尸究竟是不是人“这个庞大的哲学问题,《行尸走肉》花了6季都没搞明白,咱在这儿就不提了吧。 好,下面开始本...
Wow, this was a waste of my life. I wish I could take the 1 hours and 48 minutes of my life back. The story was brutal, and very unbelievable. This movies is just garbage. I warn you, if you watch this, you too will wish for the almost 2 hours of time that this movie wasted...
LOTM: Blood Of War is story written by dazthefunny07, and ItzBeto as well (since he asked permission). Celebrimbor sense strange power and Sauron knew sense power it's real war or nothing, Sauron summon Morgul Orcs track power new strength stronghold. ne
what?thats literaly the oposite of reality,drinking with a straw is most definitely good for your teeth,is this some cheeky way of saying everything you said until now is also backwards? I had an abscess in my wisdom tooth that required surgery about 10 years ago. The dentist told me to...
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Bro WOW SHE IS COOL - Anonymous QuotesWhat else? - Chiaki Minami Like I said, I'm not saying your brain is useless. - Chiaki Minami You're made to entertain the people around you, a professional fool. - Chiaki Minami Increase your fun by becoming a member today! Login | Register ...
Wow, search on internet there are videos for that. I even put some, and I even put a screenshot from In game where they say Random can be Naga. Unless the video was published by Blizzard itself, it’s not official and should not be treated as such. Also, if you make claims, it ...
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