focus on the meaning of Scripture that has now been fully revealed. Indeed, that is what Jesus does here in Luke, opening up the scriptures, making them clear. And this is possible because they’re ultimately all about him. And he is their fulfilment, and he makes sense only in their ...
The remnants of this understanding that we are all one under the same moon stars and sun. But for some they think their “GOD’ is bigger, is better.. has chosen Races over others… This is a manipulation of something that is meant to be simple, there is no competition, things just ...
“In the case of Rosh-ha-Shanah, the only festival of the Jewish Calendar to occur on the first of the month,it proved impracticableto rely on the observation of the New Moon of Tishri, as the information would have arrived too late to notify all the various communities of the new year...
Study Bible Book ◦ Chapter Then if anyone hears the sound of the hornIn ancient Israel, the horn, or shofar, was used as a signal for various purposes, including calling people to worship, announcing the new moon, or warning of impending danger. The sound of the horn in this context ...
the vedas have so much science that moderns science is still catching up to what is on scriptures centuries old. good and bad are just concepts, there are just beings who want workers and slaves and beings who want us to be enlightened so we join the next level of existence. Cheers ...
The role that repentance playsin salvation for born again believers in the Church Age is one of those topics that always seems to create a controversy, and that need not be. God has given us the tool of rightly dividing the scriptures we read for situations just like this. Paul says ...