Phase 2 brought a new tier of endgame content to Season of Discovery, including a new PvP event in the Stranglethorn Vale zone. Like the Battle for Ashenvale event from Phase 1, The Blood Moon offers valuable rewards in the form of PVP gear and two uniqu
WSG Rep from Blood Moon please WoW Classic Season of Discovery Costaud-cenarius February 28, 2024, 6:19pm 1 Please, for the love of Metzen… Save us all from the ever-dwindling interest in Warsong Gulch, and either allow rep from the Ashenvale PvP event to continue beyond revered to ...
I hate that rogues are continuously getting shafted on gear and loot options, in SOD. Stop pandering to people that played unviable classes that you designed in era and make it fair for warriors and rogues. You are punishing classes and players for Blizzards decisions over the years and it ...
(A) Repreesseennttaattiivvee WWeesstteerrnnbblloottaanndd ddeennssiittoommeettrryy aannaallyyssiiss ooff ZZOO--11 aanndd ccllaauuddiinn--55 iinn vviivvoo ffrroomm mmiiccrroovveesssseellss iissoollaatteedd ffrroomm mmoouussee bbrraaiinnss.. EEllaaccrriiddaarr ttrreeaattmmeenntt ssi...
applied sciences Article Dynamic and Quantitative Assessment of Blood Coagulation Status with an Oscillatory Rheometer Silju-John Kunnakattu 1,2, Theresia Groß 2, Juvano Knieps 2, Tim Kemper 2, Stefan Fennrich 1, Nicole Rauch 2, Hans P. Wendel 1 and Sandra Stoppelkamp 1,* 1 Department...
Figure 4. The OPLLSS--DDAA ssccoorree ssccaatttteerr pplloott ((AA)) aanndd SS--pplloott ((BB)) ooff thhee bloooodd mmeettaabboolliicc pprrooffiilleess ooff uunniinnffeecctteedd RRBBCCssaammpplleess.. uRBCs; uninfected red blood cells, CQ; chloroquine. TThheevvaarriiaabbllee...
wSianyceocfosmprmaye-rdciraylilnygp, rsoodluubcleedpbrlootoedinpsreoxtteriancstetydpfircoamllyhuenadteedrgo heabtl-otoredaftrmoemntthbeyvwaariyouosf ssppreacyie-sdwryeinreg,ussoeldubaslespamropteleinssfoerxttreasctitnedg.fArosmshhoewatnedinbFloigoudrefr3oam, tthheeavsasraiyous sperecaiecstewd...