Phase 2 brought a new tier of endgame content to Season of Discovery, including a new PvP event in the Stranglethorn Vale zone. Like the Battle for Ashenvale event from Phase 1, The Blood Moon offers valuable rewards in the form of PVP gear and two uniqu
WSG Rep from Blood Moon please WoW Classic Season of Discovery Costaud-cenarius February 28, 2024, 6:19pm 1 Please, for the love of Metzen… Save us all from the ever-dwindling interest in Warsong Gulch, and either allow rep from the Ashenvale PvP event to continue beyond revered to ...
Why cant Rogues use both Blood Moon daggers?WoW Classic Season of Discovery Bangoldbuyrz-crusader-strike February 13, 2024, 11:17pm 1 Shame on you Blizzard for ruining fun. How do you justify letting two-hand classes have an epic weapon from the event but discriminate against dual-wield ...
Darkmoon Faire Day of the Dead Hallow’s End Lunar Festival Love is in the Air Noblegarden Pilgrim’s Bounty Winter Veil Children’s Week Midsummer Fire Festival Mounts PvP/Arena Mounts Dungeons/Heroics Mounts Raid Mounts Profession Mounts Class Mounts Racial Mounts Miscellaneous/Event Mounts Achie...
Silvermoon City, rebuilt by the blood elves.The sin'dorei were able to reclaim much of Quel'Thalas, coming under the leadership of Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron, Ranger General Halduron Brightwing, and Grand Magister Rommath. However, new trials appeared on the horizon: the technique of ...
Silvermoon City, rebuilt by the blood elves.The sin'dorei were able to reclaim much of Quel'Thalas, coming under the leadership of Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron, Ranger General Halduron Brightwing, and Grand Magister Rommath. However, new trials appeared on the horizon: the technique of ...
My then long-time lady friend Diane Moon was with me, and she spoke up. “He threw the phone at the wall and bashed it to pieces.” As I just said, I have mellowed with time. It’s long over a decade since I’ve killed a phone. If I ever complete that memoir, and it is ...
Although 2021's "Mortal Kombat," based on the hit video game franchise, didn't wow the critics, it performed well enough at the box office and on HBO Max to get a sequel greenlit. The script for "Mortal Kombat 2" will come from "Moon Knight" creator Jeremy Slater, with ...