The red blood cell membrane was fluorescently labeled in part (a) using 1,1′-Dioctadecyl-3,3,3′,3′-Tetramethylindocarbocyanine Perchlorate (DiI). The image shows a mix of multi-lamellar and uni-lamellar ghosts with a highly irregular shape and a large distribution of shapes ...
. This all indicated that the scaffold has good SubbiocucotmaipnaotuibsiliimtypalnadnbtaiotidoengrtaedsatboilfittyheinPvLivAo/[5S8F,5-g9]e.latin fibrous scaffold for three month in sprague- dawley ratHsehmowatoexdyltihneanadbseeonsicne(oHf &mEa)crsotapinhianggeasftaerndsulbycmutapnheooucys...