Likewise, females with HDP in China should have a BP evaluation continuously for at least 42 days postpartum and have BP, urine routine, and lipid and glucose screening for 3 months postpartum. Methods This study is a prospective cohort study of postpartum discharged HDP patients. Telephone ...
The aforementioned comorbidities are flagged in this software using ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes. Statistical analysis We began by examining the data distribution and calcu- lating the basic descriptive statistics for all the variables included in the analysis. Afterwards, the continuous ...
serum creatinine (Scr) values increasing ≥ 26.5 μmol/L or 1.5-fold of baseline values during 48 hours, or urine out <0.5 mL/(kg∙h) for more than 6 hours14. In our study, we used the AKIN criteria instead of the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) ...
Mortality data were sent to the Min- istry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and the underlying cause of death was coded as per the National Vital Statistics requirements based on the "International Statistical Classifi- cation of Diseases," 9th revision (ICD-9) in 1993−1994 and the 10th ...
The significance of specific blockade of α1 subunit of N-type calcium channel, Cav2.2, in diabetic nephropathy, however, remains to be clarified. To examine functional roles, we mated Cav2.2−/− mice with db/db (diabetic) mice on the C57BLKS background. Cav2.2 was localized in ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Article Comprehensive Metabolomic Analysis in Blood, Urine, Fat, and Muscle in Men with Metabolic Syndrome: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial on the Effects of Resveratrol after Four Months' Treatment Anne Sofie Korsholm *, Thomas Nordstrøm Kj...
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nutrients Article Longitudinal Effects of Iron Deficiency Anemia and Subsequent Repletion on Blood Parameters and the Rate and Composition of Growth in Pigs Laura C. Knight ID and Ryan N. Dilger * ID Piglet Nutrition & Cognition Laboratory, Department of Animal Sciences, and Division of Nutritional...
Keywords: targeted metabolomics; LC-MS; rats; urine; blood; exercise; aging 1. Introduction Aging refers to the time-related deterioration of the physiological functions of an organism, which eventually leads to death. It is characterized by a general reduction in cellular function, ultimately ...