C. ConstantinidisSpringer USJaeger P, Constantinidis C. Canine kidneys: changes in blood and urine chemistry after exposure to extracorporeal shock waves. In: Lingeman JE, Newman DM, eds. Shock Wave Lithotripsy 2: Urinary and Biliary Lithotripsy . Plenum Press: New York; 1989:7-10....
Cotton HSI-NIR + PCA Blood, urine, and semen stains were detected even in real-life criminal samples. [53] Denim Cotton UV–Vis spectroscopyImmunochromatography Shifts of the hemoglobin Soret band correlated with the age of the blood stain. [58] Cotton UV–Vis spectroscopyImmunochromatography No ...
Introduction A relatively low blood flow to the kidney cortex in both human and canine neonates has been postulated on the basis of anatomic studies [31] and para-amino- hippurate (PAH) extraction ratios [3, 34, 38]. These methods, however, provide only indirect measures of intrarenal blood...
For example, a general adult reference interval for canine packed cell volume (PCV; hematocrit; Hct) is 37% to 55%. St. Bernards, however, tend to have PCVs that range from 35% to 40%, whereas the PCVs of greyhounds typically range from 52% to 60%; therefore what is normal in ...
bloat in boerboels Hello. I'm currently looking at information about the boerboel. I'm thinking about... (13704 views) Canine herpes on vulva. Hi there, One of my girls was bred on April 2, natural tie observed. This is her... (32463 views) Dog leaking urine. Aud is 5 year old...
Serum cortisol levels and urinary free-cortisol levels were significantly higher in the alcoholic than in the idiopathic group: serum 227±21.7 vs 154±22.1 ng/ml,P<0.001; urine 0.20±0.002 vs 0.13±0.04 μg/mg cr/day,P<0.001. The data indicate that alcohol-induced aseptic necrosis of the...
Catecholamine Measurement in Behavioral Research The catecholamines norepinephrine (NE), epinephrine (E), and dopamine (DA) are released from nerves and the adrenal into blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and urine. E is released from the adrenal medulla into the bloodstream where it ac... MG Zi...
The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System and Circadian Rhythm of Urine Variables in Normotensive and Hypertensive Subjects : SYMPOSIUM ON BLOOD PRESSURE AN... Forty-two middle-age male subjects, aged from 47 to 54 years old, were divided into three groups; 14 normotensives (NT), 16 borderline ...
Edward C.Feldman, inCanine and Feline Endocrinology (Fourth Edition), 2015 Creatinine Mean serum creatinine concentrations for 210dogswithPHPTHwere 0.8 mg/dL. Sixty percent of the dogs had results less than 1.0, and 37% had values of 1.0 to 1.5 mg/dL. Thus, 97% had results within the re...
Plasma electrolyte, enzyme protein and metabolite levels in the adult African white-bellied pangolin (Manis tricuspis). Trop. Vet. 16 (1), 73–79. Urinalysis and coprological examination Urine is preferably collected via cystocentesis from anesthetized pangolins, using aseptic technique. Urinalysis ...