To prevent the blood from spoiling, EMS providers would use portable coolers and several layers of monitoring to ensure the units stayed within the proper temperature range. Paramedics warmed the blood back up to avoid worsening patients’ shock. ...
Wasting hours in sitting in front of the computer... and taping out "natural treatment hypertension" in the little search box with your index finger and then waiting... and "Phoof!" Your computer screen lights up with thousands of choices... If you look at the upper left hand of your ...
Only four hectic days into shooting Mad Max, Miller’s stunt coordinator Grant Page and leading lady Rosie Bailey were involved in a motorcycle accident as he sped her to set: Cut off by a sixteen-wheeler, Page crashed his bike and both he and Bailey were left with broken legs. The ...
Blood Red Death Ray sprouted up between sidewalk slabs in River Rouge, a factory town south of the Detroit. Riverfront homes there offered a view of Zug Island, where thick columns of steel-smelting smoke rose from the grunting mills like grey fingers on the hands of the devil himself. Jan...
bottom of the foot (diabetic foot ulcers). High blood sugar levels reduce the body’s ability to heal these ulcers, causing severe infections that may even require the amputation of the affected limb. Topical propolis sped up the healing of diabetic foot ulcers in 2 small trials [385,386]....
THE MESSENGER Peter Blood, bachelor of medicine and several other things besides, smoked a pipe and tended the geraniums boxed on the sill of his window above Water Lane in the town of Bridgewater. Sternly disapproving eyes considered him from a window opposite, but went disregarded. Mr. Blood...
the way, but I’ve stood up to every challenge put in front of me. I did lose a couple of friends during this time – they didn’t like, or perhaps just didn’t understand, the new happy me. I have mourned their friendship, but wish them well on their journey as I carry on ...
The man sharing her window, a gentleman she’d seen only at a distance before, craned his neck to look up toward the surface far above them. Anchored to the seabed by mighty chains, two dozen houses floated upside down so that the shimmering surface of the water appeared to be a silver...
The worldwide threat of bacterial disease is getting increasingly dire as certain germs build up immunity to our drugs, but scientists have found a dark horse that may help to save the day against these seemingly invincible “superbugs”: the Komodo dragon. This rare animal’s blood contains an...