Critical Role's Matt Mercer brings Witcher energy to Dungeons and Dragons with the DnD Blood Hunter 5e class - learn all about it here.
or the hope of finding a place to belong in an uncaring world, every blood hunter has their own reasons for undertaking the ritual of the Hunter’s Bane that starts them on this path. In joining an order of blood hunters, one also joins a family bound by service to each other and a ...
DND- death and decay DC- death coil INTRO The blood DK tank is the hardest tank to play effectively.This is because of the constant need to pay attention to all your spec’s details in order to maximize your tanking ability. I won’t lie – this can become overbearing at times for be...
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dnd吧 歧路先知sci 【touhou向】角色扮演手册:魂魄妖梦魂魄妖梦是一个“半人半灵”,是幽幽子忠诚的仆从。她使用双剑作为武器,身边总有一只半灵相随,这与费伦世界中的某位英雄有微妙的相似感。 如果在东方project背景的模组中,玩家不满足于将妖梦作为npc或boss,而是希望亲自代入扮演妖梦,那么可以根据DM开放的资料...