血型(blood group)分析课件.ppt,血型(blood group) 第四章 血型检验 第一节 血型 一、ABO血型系统 二、Rh血型系统 三、其他血型系统 第二节 交叉配血 定义 血型: 血液成分遗传多态性 人体各种细胞和各种体液成分抗原性差异 血型系统:由若干个相应关联的抗原抗体组成的
第四节血型与输血原则 bloodgroupbloodtransfusion一 3.ABO血型系统的抗体 ⑴生后2-8个月开始产生,8-10岁达到高峰; ⑵ A型血:血清中含有抗B抗体 B型血:血清中含有抗A抗体 AB型血:血清中没有抗A、抗B抗体 O型血:血清中含有抗A、抗B抗体 即:血清中不会含有与自身RBC抗原相对抗的 抗体。 ⑶抗A、抗B为...
Like Download Blood Clotting Disorders Blood clotting disorders are a group of medical conditions that affect the body's ability to form clots, leading to excessive bleeding or abnormal clotting. While some blood clotting disorders are relatively common, others are rare and require specialized medic...
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Embed Download presentation Presentation on theme: "Good Manufacturing Practices for Blood Establishments"— Presentation transcript: 1 Good Manufacturing Practices for Blood Establishments(GMP for plasma donations) Dr A Padilla Blood Products & related Biologicals Quality Assurance and Safety: Medicines World...
Guidelines for Nutrition and Diabetes Nutrition and Diabetes Quick Tips for Managing your Diabetes Your goal Your goal is to keep your blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible. In other words, you do not want your blood sugar to go too high or too low. Your blood sugar Check you...
Rh血型系统Rhbloodgroupsystem Rh血型系统的发现 ➢1937年--1939年Landsteiner和Wiener用恒河猴(rhesus monkey)红细胞免疫家兔和豚鼠得到的抗血清将人红细胞分为Rh阴性和Rh阳性 Rh血型系统Rhbloodgroupsystem ➢1939年Levine和Stetsen在一患死胎的孕妇血 清中检测到一种抗体,此为人类发现的第一例Rh抗体 Rh血型...
Aird’s point is that the control group for a clinical trial using intra-thecal drug delivery is not intrathecal placebo, but rather intravenous study drug. This is because drug injected into CSF rapidly moves into the blood, where the drug may have action in peripheral tissues. The ICV ...
Q1 Describe the findings on the peripheral smear. Do you agree that there is an increased number of immature WBC forms in the peripheral blood? Name the cells indicated by the arrows. Peripheral Blood Smear Image B Q2 There was also an increased number of cells highlighted by the arrow in ...