The Bloodsucking Cracked Tear build of our choosing is more of acaster-centric build inElden Ring. If you have been running a melee build, you might want to use a Larval Tear torespec your characterbefore getting started here. Build parametersRequirements ...
Red Stuff-cruitment |Still yearning for Bloodborne on PC? You're obviously out of luck for now, but you can help build a huge Elden Ring mod inspired by it Look, it might be the best you ever get, even if Miyazaki's pretty much on your side on this. ...
How Bloodborne's Co-Op Helped Me Appreciate From Software Just In Time For Elden Ring By utilizing Bloodborne's cooperative mode, I walked away with a valuable reminder that the world is oftentimes a dark and cruel place--but I'm never powerless or alone. ...
Anyway, what a game! It’s incredible, and unlike Elden Ring, where the idea of starting it over really doesn’t appeal to me, I could quite happily spend another 60+ hours with Bloodborne. Does it tell you anywhere in the game how long your play time is? 4 Hawklord Supporters ...
Tokyo God of War God of War Ragnarök Golden Axe Guild Wars 2 Homeworld Horizon Forbidden West Horizon Zero Dawn ICO InFamous: Second Son Jak & Daxter Jet Set Radio Journey Killzone Little Nightmares Magic: The Gathering Mass Effect Mirror's Edge Mirror's Edge: Catalyst Mistbound Myst Ni no...
Kat, Nadia, and Eric discuss the mainstream resurgence of the turn-based RPG and wether we might be seeing even more on the horizon. All that and more on this menu-based episode of Axe of the Blood God! Tune in to live recordings of the show every Saturday morning at https://www.twi...
Red Stuff-cruitment |Still yearning for Bloodborne on PC? You're obviously out of luck for now, but you can help build a huge Elden Ring mod inspired by it Look, it might be the best you ever get, even if Miyazaki's pretty much on your side on this. ...
All this philosophy and more, Horatio, on this episode of Axe of the Blood God! Tune in to live recordings of the show every Saturday morning at and subscribe for bonus episodes and discord access at Also in th...