"Overnight control of blood glucose in people with type 1 diabetes". In: Proc. of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems (IFAC BMS2012). Budapest, Hungary, pp. 73-78.Boiroux D, Duun-Henriksen AK, Schmidt S, Nørgaard K, Madsbad S, Skyggebjerg O, Jensen PR, ...
Blood glucoseconcentrations are maintained within very close limits inhealthy people. Any given individual has a very strictly maintained postabsorptive (e.g. fasted overnight)blood glucoseconcentration of 4.5–5.2mmol/L, with intraindividual coefficients of variation (CV) of only 1–2%. Interindividua...
a strategy for lowering it. The A1c test can’t show that you have high blood sugar overnight, however. It measures your average blood sugar level over the last few months. Instead, you can use a glucose meter orcontinuous glucose monitorto find out if you have high overnight blood ...
Hyperglycemia, or high blood glucose, occurs when too much sugar is in the blood. It usually happens when your body has too little insulin, a hormone that transports glucose into the blood. It also happens if your body can’t use insulin properly. These conditions are most often linked with...
Do not get overwhelmed by the word “exercise” or “how much you need to do” but just keep moving during the day. When you are active, you are more able to maintain or lose weight and lower insulin resistance. “Exercise helps your cells use glucose in the bloodstream for energy and...
fasting blood glucose Acronyms or fasting plasma glucose or fasting blood sugar (făs′tĭng) n. A laboratory test that determines the level of glucose in the blood after an overnight fast, used especially to diagnose diabetes and prediabetes. ...
Diabetes is a disease that occurs (出现) when your blood glucose is too high. But researchers now know that whether or not you have diabetes, eating too much can make your blood glucose go up and down. Also, it can increase the danger of heart disease. It may be even bad for your ...
1B). Moreover, PEPCK expression increased (p < 0.05, 1.88-fold vs. control) with 10 µg/mL AG-205 (Fig. 1B). In same condition, we also observed the increase of PGRMC1 and PEPCK mRNA (Fig. S1). Glucose production was increased (p < 0.05, 1.1-fold vs. control) ...
Like most people, you've probably never given your blood glucose (糖) a second thought, unless you have diabetes (糖尿病). But researchers now know that whether or not you have diabetes, eating too much can make your blood glucose go up and down and can increase the danger of heart dis...
Fasting blood sugar test:This test is a measurement of your blood sugar after fasting (not eating) overnight. Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) test:The HbA1c is a test that shows what your average glucose level was over the previous two to three months. People with diabetes should get this test at...