Blood gas analysisPPT课件 Bloodgasanalysisandacid-basicdisorder BloodGasAnalysis ArterialbloodSealevel(101.3kPa,760mmHg)QuietAnti-coagulatebloodInspireair(WhetherO2supply)ClinicalSignificance ToevaluaterespiratoryfailuretypeⅠortypeⅡ Toevaluateacid-basicdisorder Howtoevaluaterespiratoryfailure?PaO2:Arterialblood...
血气分析-Blood-Gas-Analysis-教学质量实时监控系统.pptx,血气分析和酸碱平衡 Blood Gas Analysis and Acid- Base Balance;例1. 王淑珍,女,68岁,H 192185 2004-6-30;血气(Blood Gas): O2, CO2;临床意义:;精密仪器规范操作结果判断质量控制;Table1:The Relation Betwee
1、血气分析-Blood-Gas-Analysis-教学质量实时监控系统 血气血气(Blood Gas): O2, CO2 血气分析血气分析(Blood-gas Analysis):用三个用三个电极电极(PH、 O2 、CO2)测定血液中具有生理测定血液中具有生理效应的气体及效应的气体及PH。 临床意义:临床意义:反映气体代谢情况反映气体代谢情况 判断酸碱平衡状态判断酸碱...
血气分析Arterial Blood Gas Analysis课件.ppt,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Arterial Blood Gas Analysis Vanessa Klee MSIV What is an ABG? The Components pH / PaCO2 / PaO2 / HCO3 / O2sat / BE Desired Ranges pH - 7.35 - 7.45 PaCO2 - 35-45 mmHg
登录 注册 论文 > 大学论文 > blood gas analysis 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 35阅读文档大小:4.34M66页apaihuai48上传于2015-03-06格式:PPT
内容提示: Arterial Blood Gas Arterial Blood Gas AnalysisAnalysisAnalysisAnalysisVanessa Klee MSIVVanessa Klee MSIV 文档格式:PPT | 页数:25 | 浏览次数:5 | 上传日期:2015-03-25 00:10:13 | 文档星级: Arterial Blood Gas Arterial Blood Gas AnalysisAnalysisAnalysisAnalysisVanessa Klee MSIVVanessa Klee ...
系统 血气(BloodGas):O2,CO2 血气分析(Blood-gasAnalysis):用三个 电极(PH、O2、CO2)测定血液中具有生理效应的气体及PH。临床意义:反映气体代谢情况判断酸碱平衡状态 条件:精密仪器规范操作结果判断质量控制 标本采集:采血部位,安静状态下,肝素抗凝,吸氧浓度,隔离空气,海平面,大气压.Table1:TheRelationBetween...
blood gas analyzer ArterialBloodGases -Sampling,Equipment,Calibration,andQualityControl RET2414LPulmonaryFunctionTestingModule6.0 ArterialBloodGases Equipment ArterialBloodGas(ABG)Kit Prepackagedandcontainsallnecessaryequipment 3–5ccsyringePre-heparinized22gax2needleAlcoholswapGauzepadBiohazardbagMisc.items ABG...
What is the differential? What additional tests you may consider ordering to narrow down the potential causes? References 1. Morganroth, ML. Six steps to acid-base analysis: Clinical applications. The Journal of Crit Ill. 1990; 5; 460 – 469. 2. Up To Date...