Blood donation is safer than ever before and saves lives. Millions of people including cancer patients, organ recipients, and victims of accidents; rely on blood donations from people like you and me. HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalBloodDonorMonth Give blood. Don't wait for a disaster. Someone needs...
The best way to celebrate World Blood Donor Day is to make sure you're able to donate blood and look into blood drives that are organized in hospitals or health centers. The blood donation process begins with a short physical exam to assess the donor's health and the donation takes about ...
NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) has issued an amber alert asking hospitals to restrict the use of O type blood to essential cases and to use substitutions where clinically safe to do so, after stocks of blood dropped to "unprecedentedly low levels." NHSBT has also made an urgent public ...
I just got back from a cruise on the Enchanted Princes (10 Aug 2024 - 24 Aug 2024). During the cruise they had a "medical emergency announcement" asking for a blood donor with specific type of blood. However, to be a candidate for a blood donation, you had to have your "blood donor...
Overall, cord blood donation and storage can save lives and provide hope for people suffering from life-threatening diseases and disorders. Cord Blood Awareness Month is an excellent opportunity to educate people about the importance of cord blood donation and encourage them to consider donating their...
and in case of apheresis donation, mostly platelets are donated. Whole blood donations must be separated out by at least 120 days, since new red blood cells take this much time to form. Similarly,apheresis platelets donations need to be separated out by 1 month, while plasma donation can be...
THE DUMB LAW PARADOX When the most ridiculous laws in the country make more sense than current blood donation policies. BLOOD FLAGS Discrimination has no borders. We took battling the blood bans, and the bias, international. BLOOD VESSELS ...
Introduction:blood donation (BD) is affected by several factors, among which people's knowledge and attitude are the key determinants. However, the level of knowledge and attitude towards BD in Ethiopia is not yet well studied. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the level and factors associat...
January is National Blood Donor Month, and the Red Cross is hoping to call attention to a critical need for blood. In addition, they've teamed up with the NFL, hoping to increase donations. The Red Cross is the nation's largest supplier of blood ...
Fresenius Kabi has partnered with blood centers, through the National Blood Donation Hall of Fame, for over 25 years. This program was developed to recognize individuals who have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to blood donation. Blood centers across the country submit nominations from which ...