The FDA recently updated its blood donation restrictions for gay and bisexual men to enable more people to donate blood during the COVID-19 pandemic.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. government Thursday eased restrictions on blood donations from gay men and other key groups because of a drop in the nation's blood supply triggered by the coronavirus outbreak.
Our study supports the view that individuals with seizures or epilepsy are not at greater risk for adverse reactions after blood donation. Major restrictions on individuals with epilepsy and seizures as blood donors are not warranted. 展开
Understanding the inherent risk of a particular activity, risk of recurrence of seizures, legal restrictions (some activities may be governed by law or specific code), seizure type, and adverse effects of medication may be useful in making decisions concerning participation in a wide variety of ...
Validity of restrictions on blood donation up for debateMelody Barron
Don't already have a personal account? Register International travel and blood donation: risks and restrictions - 24 Hours access EUR €39.00 GBP £34.00 USD $42.00 Rental This article is also available for rental through DeepDyve. Citation...
The ultimate goal is to remove restrictions on blood donated by gay men, but Canadian Blood Services has been held back by a lack of science, said Jacquie Gahagan, vice-president of research at Mount St. Vincent University. Gahagan, whose pronouns are they and them, said authorities ...
And giving blood is one way for you to help during this public health emergency. If you're healthy and want to donate blood, contact a local donation center to make an appointment, the agency advised. There's another way you might be able to help—by donating convalescent plasma, the FDA...
Blood Pressure: acceptable range is 160/90 to 110/60. (see medication section below for medication restrictions.) Brain or spinal surgery that required a transplant of brain covering (dura mater): cannotdonate Bronchitis:deferdonation until four weeks or after recovery ...
How should you prepare for a blood donation? First things first, make sure you’reeligible to give blood. Depending on where you live, the age and weight restrictions may vary. Your state of health may also determine if you are able to donate. Look these up before proceeding with the fol...