A COBE Spectra apheresis machine (Terumo BCT, Lakewood, CO) was specifically optimized by the manufacturer for the granulocyte collection. Peripheral veins in the arms were accessed for the collection procedures. Each collection lasted three hours on average. Up to 15 liters of blood were ...
(10811 West Collins Avenue, Lakewood, CO 80215, US) International Classes: A61M1/38; A61J1/00; A61M1/02; A61M39/14; B01D36/00; B01D37/00; A61M1/36 View Patent Images: Download PDF EP1476208 PDF help Domestic Patent References: EP0591980 Leukocyte-removing filter device and system...
For research purposes so far, a new source of PBMNCs drained from the leukoreduction system chambers (LRSCs) of the Trima Accel plateletpheresis device, software version 5.01 (CaridianBCT, Lakewood, CO), has been described showing excellent product quality. We now compared PBMNCs derived from...
Van Waeg, Geert (Brussels, BE) Gibbs, Bruce W. (Arvada, CO, US) Antoon, Marc (Leuven, BE) Goodrich, Laura (Lakewood, CO, US) Application Number: 10/861199 Publication Date: 01/26/2010 Filing Date: 06/03/2004 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee...