If you fail to get them - you get to farm 7 new stacks of Essence of the Blood Queen during your next Dancing Rune Weapon. The silver lining in all this is that these changes have effectively undone a significant part of the numerical buffs, and San'layn is now firmly back to being ...
Last Danceis a trap talent and should never be picked. You gain no additional uptime onDancing Rune Weaponat the cost of one more global cooldown every minute due to the reduced cooldown. While PvPing as Blood Death Knight can certainly be fun, you might also want to try out PvPing as...
Shame on you Blizzard for ruining fun. How do you justify letting two-hand classes have an epic weapon from the event but discriminate against dual-wield classes and builds. I hate that rogues are continuously getting …
Zombie Army 4: Bloodsoaked Weapon Skins Log på for at vurdere Globale spillervurderinger 4.48Gennemsnitlig vurdering er 4.48 stjerner ud af fem stjerner fra 451 vurderinger 451 vurderinger 72% 12% 13% 1% 3% Spil- og juridiske oplysninger Ingen har nogensinde sagt, at det var en...