Because Dancing Rune Weapon's cooldown is the longest in raid and when facing enemies that do not melee frequently, this hits San'layn the hardest where it shined: single-target. The variability on duration between Gift of the San'layn means that the timing at which you get Vampiric Strike...
Raid Mounts Profession Mounts Class Mounts Racial Mounts Miscellaneous/Event Mounts Achievement Mounts Reputation Mounts Best Addons Northrend’s Inaccessible Zones Best Races & Racial Bonuses Leveling Weapon Skill Heirloom Guide How to Get to Northrend Race Class Combos How to Fly in Northrend How to...
Artifact Weapon is not white or grey: NOT ALLOWED. Flying in Legion: Allowed. Legion Intro Skipping: Allowed. Using Champions as bodyguards: NOT ALLOWED. Using Class Order Hall “Upgrades”: NOT ALLOWED. Battle for Azeroth Specific Rules Taking Boats: ALLOWED. It is possible for a Blood Thi...
As you already know Runeforging for a DK is basically a free weapon enchant. These enchants have so far always been preferable to those available from enchanters As with normal enchants a Runeforge does work with temporary enchants such as oils and Windfury. There are really only 2 common cho...
Last Danceis a trap talent and should never be picked. You gain no additional uptime onDancing Rune Weaponat the cost of one more global cooldown every minute due to the reduced cooldown. While PvPing as Blood Death Knight can certainly be fun, you might also want to try out PvPing as...
Zul’Gurub (ZG) Raid Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ20) Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40) Naxxramas Azuregos Lord Kazzak Thunderaan Dragons of Nightmare Guides Hardcore Beginner Getting Started Race Overview Race Class Combos Class Comparison Classes Overview Professions Overview Weapon S...