Salt as a supplement had been deemed invaluable as a preservative and esteemed from the early days of recorded history.'3 It was included in sacrifices in early biblical times when inviolable obligations were designated salt covenants.'4 Homer considered the salt with which the meat of celebratory...
God is a covenant-keeping God. He made various covenants throughout the Bible. Many were sealed with animal sacrifices. God, also, commanded the men of Israel to be circumcised as a sign of the covenant they had with Him (Gen. 17.9-14) … more blood. There were commands to sprinkle bl...
In ancient Semitic society, blood-relationship rested not only upon the basis of common blood, but upon the fact that kinsmen constantly ate together and renewed the physical bond (compare W. R. Smith, "Religion of the Semites," 2d ed., pp. 269 et seq.). Covenants of brotherhood were ...
these bedrock concepts are featured more explicitly and in richer detail within extra-biblical scriptures that are unique to Mormonism, namely, the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrine & Covenants (Givens 2003;Givens and Hauglid 2019). It is these scriptures that give LDS theolog...