I know this sounds weird but I felt the outside of my vagina to see if it may have torn anything, but there was no blood, except for what was coming out of the cavity. Can anyone answer this? hoseclamps83901over a year ago
Avoid talking, coughing or moving while the monitor is doing its thing. Measure more than once. Your first reading may be higher than you expect if you’re a little nervous or not completely calm. Take multiple measurements and record them all. Your physician may consider the average of your...
When you breathe in common cold virus, the body creates mucus as a natural reaction to safeguard your airways. This irritates the throat and you have to cough up phlegm to keep it clear. There is constant phlegm ejection through coughing. A person is generally seen coughing up clear phlegm ...
While it may seem simple enough,coughing up blood(also known ashaemoptysisorhemoptysis) has a very specific definition as it means that the blood is coming from the lungs, below the vocal cords. Haemoptysis (hemoptysis) can result incoughing up bloodas small flecks, streaks or even as a ma...
If I sit for awhile, I need to be writing or planning. Or planning writing. Mataoka hasn’t spoken to me in a while: every time I log on I sense this sentient-being exasperation coming from her. She is bored. She’s dying to redecorate the Garrison, or do time walking dungeons a...
When I begin feeling cold symptoms coming on, the first sign of symptoms, all I have to do is reach for Coricidin to nip it in the bud, after a hot bowl of Campbell's chicken noodle soup. Plus lots of sleep and rest. Several friends are at various stages of getting through ...
Having done this once before, I have the ascent dialed. I traverse off the loose scree early, over to the boulders, and make quick progress using my hands and feet. One climber, a young guy, is coming down, disoriented, with the light of his cellphone to guide him. I point him in ...
On coming down the stairs at dinner Tris [Trismegistus = Frankland] who walked before me seemed impressed by a mechanical impulse which impelled him along the corridor with a fervid velocity. On reaching the stair bottom I discovered the cause of the attraction. Miss Edmondson, like a pure ...
I feel like the servitor would have tried to stop Hild from coming in all bloody. I think this pivot toward "it's time for them to leave" is much clearer in this draft than in your first draft. Good job! Lord Krise looked hard at ...
This is Bernadette, that I bring to you today. She is something way out of ordinary, even for me. I don't feel any negative energy coming off the vessel, just a very strong energy. I wish I could explain it better. I think it is something you have to experience to understand fully...