Blood clots are life-threatening and can result from using birth control pills. Here is the best way to help prevent these DVT’s from forming. A woman who takes estrogen-based birth control needs to be aware of the signs of a blood clot in the leg (deep vein thrombosis). Such a ...
Call the doctor ifbruising occurs easily or for no apparent reason. Call the doctor if the bruise is painful and under a toenail or fingernail. Call the doctor if a bruise does not improve within two weeks or fails to completely clear after three or four weeks. Can you get thrombosis from...
• Gently tap the head of the ampule with your fingernail to remove any liquid. • Carefully open the ampule by breaking off the top. NOTE: To ensure proper measurement, run the control fluid immediately after opening the ampule. NOTE: Protect your fingers by using gloves or tissue while...