fighting in te name of the Emperor and Sanguinius. The squad favoursxenosclearing flamer and a heavy bolter that can be fired while advancing, the unit fighting as one, and rarely separating, even at the expense of mission objectives. In honour of comerades who have fallen to the black rag...
Their PrimarchSanguiniuswas an almost angelic being, whose great, white wings bore him aloft at the forefront of his host. He was beloved by all, a symbol of the righteousness of theImperium of Man. The Blood Angels would play a momentous role in theHorus Heresy. Despite the machinations o...
Unfortunately, and as is often the way in Warhammer, nothing is perfect forever; there was a flaw hidden inside the Blood Angels gene-seed derived from Sanguinius himself. This led the sons of Sanguinius to be cursed with the Red Thirst, an almost overwhelming need to feast on the blood of...
千疮之子马格列尔的第十六战团 荷鲁斯之子画板,该画板属于花瓣网插画/漫画相关类别的资源,其中共收集了121关于第十六战团 荷鲁斯之子相关的图片素材资源,共被72人关注。花瓣网, 设计师寻找灵感的天堂!
This is a mod for Dawn of War: Soulstorm, which adds the Blood Angels Chapter as a fully playable race unique from the vanilla Space Marines and in keeping with the spirit of how the Blood Angels are in the table top game. Statistics Select:Compare to: Downloads Images Articles Visitors...
测试。 +1 分享6510 二齿漫吧 若kindman 【BL】【完结】Blood Bank血液银行(金发吸血鬼诱受x腹黑人类钢铁直男攻) 17327 pigeonblood吧 c浅_淤青丶 CG资源 pigeonblood全CG新人 第一帖 分享2613 我练功发自真心吧 瘟热 圣血天使(Blood Angels)圣血天使可能是帝国内最有威望和最受敬仰的战团。 他们的特点是...
Artakha Umbra Botar Cervan Dante Sanguinius (back from dead) Jake Pentecost Nate Lambert Jules Reyes Hermann Gottlieb Liwen Shao Mako Mori Amara Namani Viktoriya Malikova Suresh Khuran Ou-Yang Jinhai Ryoichi Hatayama Tahima Shaheen Renata Gutierrez Meilin Gao Illya Zaslavsky Apex (Pacific Rim) Quan...
comrades. As well as Sanguinius’s memories, the Space Marine is touched with a small portion of his unearthly power, boosting his strength and vitality to superhuman levels. Blood Angels afflicted by the Black Rage are formed into special units called ...