came from hemiplegic cases (n = 13), who were nearly all born at term. Quadriplegia also showed downregulation of FIRS but not as strongly as hemiplegia. The empirical hypoxic gene set also showed significant upregulation in preterm cases and the opposite with term cases. Downregulation of ...
The goal of this approach is to more accurately model Aβ peptide kinetics in the central nervous system (CNS). Myriad processes affect Aβ turnover in the brain, including transport across the blood–brain barrier, enzymatic/lysosomal degradation, interaction and deposition into plaques, and the ...
Loss of diaphragms did not affect the fenestrae and transendothelial channels formation but disrupted the barrier function of fenestrated capillaries, causing a major leak of plasma proteins. This disruption results in early death of animals due to severe noninflammatory protein-losing enteropathy. ...
Wild chimpanzee populations in West Africa (Pan troglodytes verus) have dramatically decreased as a direct consequence of anthropogenic activities and infectious diseases. Little information is currently available on the epidemiology, pathogenic significance, and zoonotic potential of protist species in wild ...
Each group was continuously administered an MF with 5% oligosaccharide in drinking water ad libitum. Based on the water intake of TSOD mice per day, this amounted to approximately 4–6 mL; 0.005 μg of oligosaccharide per mouse per day was also administered. The general life signs of the ...
(D) The relationship between blood tryptophan concentration and the volume of the hippocampal complex. Full size image All pups with body mass less than 5 g came from the same litter. Their tissues were collected at PD14, the same developmental time at which the other four litters were ...
and the. 1 John 2:1,2 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: … 1 John 5:6,8 This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only...
There must be in that nourishment some parts that are productive of blood, some of sinews, some of bones, and so on-parts which reason alone can apprehend. For there is no need to refer the fact that bread and water produce all these things to sense-perception; rather, there are in ...
then drag him to a judge and demand that he be put to death. The dinner guests remaining at the house poke a lance at the image, "just as they had done to Christ" (Jewel of the Church1.30). The painting yields to the weapon as if it were flesh. Real blood and water gush from ...
Although this blood imagery may strike some people as gruesome, it was originally intended as an emblem of spiritual liberation and renewal. An exploration of the religious significance of blood to the ancient Jews and first Christians illuminates the meaning of this symbol. Blood Symbolism among ...