205,407 Total views 519,094 Version 2.5 Download: Manual 32 items Last updated 05 April 20235:59PM Original upload 19 September 201911:51AM Created by Razorwire Uploaded by razorwire Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Fair and balanced ...
Bilo uvjeravanjem bilo nasiljem, oni čine sve što je potrebno kako bi potvrdili svoju nadmoć. Enforcer Warden Klan Tremere Ovi su vješci stručnjaci za sposobnost Blood Sorcery. Kontrolirajući vlastitu krv, oni istražuju nepoznato, uništavaju svoje neprijatelje ili ...
Decreased the damage and damage animation of the shearing vacuum effect of the “Swift Slash” Skill. General balance adjustments Increased the Intelligence scaling of the Carian Sorcery Sword and slightly decreased the base damage. Extended the throwing attacks range for the following weapons...
representations of the greatest heroes of the Blood Angels carved in marble, painted in oils, and sewn in tapestries in a million cloisters and more. Their angel-winged primarch is an object of veneration on countless worlds, his perfect visage gazing down on the faithful with a mixture of b...