The world has been infected by the Scourge of the Beasts, an highly infective sickness that turns men into horrible beasts with a super-human strenght and an enormous lust for blood. Try to survive in this hostile environment fighting unsightly beasts, fellow humans turned crazy by the scourge...
插曲】Blood Upon The Risers这首插曲出现在《兄弟连》第九集23:18处,我看的人人影视版本的翻译,感觉有些不准确,这首歌的内容其实是个有些黑色幽默又有点淡淡的哀伤的故事,讲 分享6赞 心锁血印法则吧 简单爱的爱妳 【原创文】Lust for blood(ooc特严重系列,黑历史) 分享25赞 东方二小吧 白帆桑丶 【For ...
TesTt SesotluStoilountion CnidCaeniDdaisechDairsgceha(%rg)e (%) SeawSeaatwerater 00.5090.±590±0.0206.26 WhWitehVitienVeginaregar CidCeridVeirnVeginaregar StingMNaolMtMValiotnrVeeg®inaSrepgraary Sting No More® Spray 01.0041.±040±0.0004.04 000000...3400017600..±±±3417000±±000....